
Department Address Phone
Assessor's Office
Town of Waterford, Assessor's Office
65 Broad Street
Waterford, NY 12188
(518) 235-9907
Building Code Enforcement
Building Code Administrator & Enforcement
1 Tugboat Alley
Waterford, NY 12188
(518) 235-3802
Fire Inspector (518) 237-3341
Highway Department
Town Highway Garage
35 South Street
Waterford, NY 12188
(518) 235-3413
Planning and Building Department
Town of Waterford Building and Planning Department
1 Tugboat Alley
Waterford, NY 12188
(518) 888-6982
(518) 235-3802
Police Department
Waterford Police Department
65 Broad Street
Waterford, NY 12188
(518) 237-3341
Crime / Drug Tip Line: (518) 590-0932
Waterford Senior Citizens
125 2nd Street
Waterford, NY 12188
(518) 235-8500
Stormwater Management
Town Clerk
Town of Waterford, Town Clerk/Tax Collector/Registrar
65 Broad Street
Waterford, NY 12188
(518) 235-8282
Town Historian 518-237-0999
Town Parks & Pool
Town Pool
36 Ballston Street
Waterford, NY 12188
(518) 925-8307
(518) 235-8184
Town Supervisor
Town of Waterford, Supervisor
65 Broad Street
Waterford, NY 12188
(518) 235-8184
Trash & Recycling
Wastewater Sewer issue: please contact Highway Department during work hours 518-235-3413
After work hours: please contact Police Department 518-237-3341.
Waterford Rural Cemetery
Waterford Rural Cemetery
180 Saratoga Avenue
Waterford, NY 12188
Waterford Town Court
Waterford Town Court, Town Hall Second Floor
65 Broad Street
Waterford, NY 12188
(518) 237-6788